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Civil Structural
Mersey Gateway, temporary trestle, Bascule Bridge
Client: Woodburn Engineering Ltd.
As part of the temporary works contract on the New Mersey Gateway Bridge, the works access trestle for the bridge foundations required a moveable span to allow access to the navigation channel on the Mersey River, close to the south bank. In conjunction with Woodburn Engineering Ltd, a solution utilising a counterweighted bascule span (lifting bridge) was proposed. The solution had to account for construction vehicles (SV80 loading), LM1, LM2 & LM4 load models, vessle impact, hydrodynamic loading, and wind loading.
Bearing Pads, Tolka Quay Road Bridge, Dublin
Client: Woodburn Engineering Ltd.
Stress analysis of profiled bearing seating pads for the main central span of the new steel vehicle access bridge within Dublin port. Other works included temporary lifting lugs required for positiong the 5 main bridge sections.